"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man."
The Bible, Genesis 9:6.

During 2001, at least 3,048 prisoners were executed in 31 countries
and 5,265 people were sentenced to death in 69 countries.
These figures include only cases known to Amnesty International;
the true figures are certainly higher.

In 2001, 90 per cent of all known executions took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the USA.

Walk on, Dead Man by Kave Atefie - Digitaler Thermotransferdruck auf Holz, bearbeitet

Walk on, Dead Man

Walk on, Dead Man by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie See ya in Hell, Anderson by Kave Atefie Zippo Action by Kave Atefie Tom´s in troubles-blues by Kave Atefie Saigon by Kave Atefie Brave new World by Kave Atefie For Billy by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie Axis of Evil by Kave Atefie John F. Kennedy by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie American Skin (41 shots) by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie Sittn‘ next to Charly by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie The italian Stallion by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie Forest Whitaker, U.S.A by Kave Atefie Stolen words by Kave Atefie