"Build your product with integrity . . . stand behind it 100% and success will follow."
George G. Blaisdell, founder of Zippo®.


"Every Zippo lighter has a story - funny, poignant, even heroic –
whenever or wherever a Zippo lighter clicks open, a conversation starts".


During the Vietnam-War "Zippo Action“ was used synonymously for "burning down a village“.

Zippo Action by Kave Atefie - Digitaler Thermotransferdruck auf Holz, bearbeitet

Zippo Action

Walk on, Dead Man by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie See ya in Hell, Anderson by Kave Atefie Zippo Action by Kave Atefie Tom´s in troubles-blues by Kave Atefie Saigon by Kave Atefie Brave new World by Kave Atefie For Billy by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie Axis of Evil by Kave Atefie John F. Kennedy by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie American Skin (41 shots) by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie Sittn‘ next to Charly by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie The italian Stallion by Kave Atefie no title by Kave Atefie Forest Whitaker, U.S.A by Kave Atefie Stolen words by Kave Atefie